Callahan Family

Of Lawrence Co. Arkansas

If you find a match in this chart please contact Nancy Matthews and state the number after the name and where the chart was located. If you have a match with anyone on this chart, I will be glad to cross link with your chart.

1-- James N. CALLAHAN-2714 (1830-1899)
 sp-Catherine E. SMITH-2715 (1846-1893)
    2-- Susan Lavesta CALLAHAN-1259 (1865-1954)
     sp-John Pleasant DOYLE-1225 (1856-1931)
         See the Doyle for the Descendants of John Pleasant Doyle.       
    2-- W.W. CALLAHAN-3343 (1870-1993)
    2-- Liza CALLAHAN-3413 (1875-1895)
     sp-William V. DOYLE-3377 (1875-1955)
    2-- John Frank CALLAHAN-1469 (1880-1944)
     sp-Viola DOYLE-1237 (1882-1964)
        3-- James Floyd CALLAHAN-1584 (1901-1972)
         sp-Gladys LANE-2229
        3-- William Homer CALLAHAN-1585 (1904)
         sp-Lillie ROBINS-2230 (1903-1983)
            4-- Viola CALLAHAN-2231 (1924)
             sp-HOWARD MEADOWS-2235 (1919)
                5-- Matthew M. MEADOWS-2236 (1958)
                 sp- (1899)
                5-- Mary Jane MEADOWS-2237 (1959)
            4-- Charles Lindburg "Lindy" CALLAHAN-2232 (1926)
            4-- ROSE Mary CALLAHAN-2233 (1928)
            4-- Billie Frank CALLAHAN-2234 (1930)
             sp-Marie NOBLIN-2238
        3-- Claude H. CALLAHAN-1586 (1906-1968)
         sp-Beulah LAWRENCE-2239 (1906)
            4-- Bobby CALLAHAN-2240 (1928)
            4-- Lawrence CALLAHAN-2241 (1930)
            4-- Shirley "Red" CALLAHAN-2242 (1932)
            4-- Dean CALLAHAN-2243 (1934)
            4-- Opal CALLAHAN-2244 (1936)
            4-- Dixie CALLAHAN-2245 (1938)
        3-- Earl L. CALLAHAN-1587 (1908-1968)
         sp-Golda PENDER-2246 (1908)
            4-- Floyd Edward CALLAHAN-2247 (1930)
            4-- Mable CALLAHAN-2248 (1932)
            4-- Thomas Earl CALLAHAN-2249 (1934-1969)
            4-- Joyce CALLAHAN-2250 (1936)
            4-- Jimmy CALLAHAN-2251 (1938)
         sp-Emma E. LUKE-2252 (1910-1990)
        3-- Robert Tol CALLAHAN-1588 (1911-1984)
        3-- Noel J. CALLAHAN-1589 (1913-1970)
        3-- Jewel CALLAHAN-1590 (1917-1946)
        3-- Louie CALLAHAN-1591 (1919-1994)
         sp-Ninnie DOYLE-3386 (1920)
            4-- Margaret Jean CALLAHAN-2254 (1940)
             sp-Sylvester C. FLOWERS-3387
                5-- Michelle FLOWERS-3388
            4-- Harold CALLAHAN-2255 (1942)
             sp- (1942)
                5-- Sandra CALLAHAN-3389 (1965)
        3-- Pearl CALLAHAN-1592 (1921)
         sp-David PAPPAS-2256
            4-- Robert PAPPAS-2257
            4-- Margaret "Midge" PAPPAS-2258
            4-- Jimmy PAPPAS-2259
         sp-Eddie SCHULTZ-2260
        3-- Eunice CALLAHAN-1583
         sp-J.D. OVERSTREET-2225
            4-- Sheila OVERSTREET-2226
         sp-Glen GREEN-2227
            4-- Frankie GREEN-2228
    2-- Minor L. CALLAHAN-3381 (1883-1951)
     sp-Maggie T. SAFFELL-3444 (1886-1970)
        3-- Gertha CALLAHAN-5617 (1906-1982)
         sp-Fred MARSHALL-5690 (1906)
        3-- Melvin William CALLAHAN-5618 (1908-1990)
         sp-Mildred-5832 (1913-1995)
        3-- Roy CALLAHAN-5619 (1912)
        3-- Verma CALLAHAN-5620 (1915)
        3-- Harold CALLAHAN-5621 (1919)

Nancy Matthews

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