Lawrence County Arkansas favorite links - lotsof good stuff here - early marriages
Early Probate Records and many more!
Powhatan Courthouse
and what it contains
Powhatan Courthouse records
The Lawrence Co.
Historical Society
The Lawrence County
Historical Journal
and back issues with stories and some
surname links
Lawrence Co. Lookup page
with books and sites available for lookups. GREAT PAGE!
1815 Tax List Lawrence County, Missouri Territory
1816 Tax List of Lawrence County
Officers of Lawrence County, Missouri Territory, 1815-1816
Trail Of Tears Page for Lawrence Co. Arkansas
The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, often referred to as
the Freedmen's Bureau - Great
Site for Black researchers
Goodspeed's 1891 Biographical and Historical Memoirs for
The 1850 Lawrence County Arkansas
Slave Schedule
The 1870 Lawrence County Census
Black surnames
The 1880 Lawrence County Census
Black surnames